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Trace Indian Landphone with Std Code 1234

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Uttar Pradesh BAGHPAT-II (BARAUT) Std Code 1234 Info

You may like to trace call location info about an unknown caller in certain cases. Its quite easy to get location info about land telephones using std code shown in the caller id of the phone.

0 is the trunk code in India for making external calls from a landphone.

Remove first 0 which is trunk code for India and collect next 2/3/4 digits which is your stdcode depending on if you are from metro/city/towns. In case rural area (town) you can provide more digits for eg. first 3 digits or more as std code, you will be getting more accurate location results. Below we are showing results for std code 1234

  • Std number 1234 (SDCA Code 1234) is allocated to BAGHPAT-II (BARAUT) in state Uttar Pradesh
  • SDCA Exchange for Std Code 1234 is MEERUT
  • BAGHPAT-II (BARAUT) is located in state Uttar Pradesh and most probably located in its district MEERUT
  • BAGHPAT-II (BARAUT) is part of telecom service area Uttar Pradesh (West) and Uttarakhand Telecom Circle (excludes Ghaziabad and Noida).(Telecom Circle Code:UPW)

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