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Live Traffic Updates | MCTC Satellite Bus stand, Bangalore

MCTC Satellite Bus stand, Bangalore Live Traffic Map

Green colored road indicates smooth traffic, yellow indicates rather slow traffic, while red indicates very slow traffic, better to try alternative roads

Bangalore Live Traffic Map | Bangalore India Live Road Congestion

Bangalore Live Traffic Map

Green colored road indicates smooth traffic, yellow indicates rather slow traffic, while red indicates very slow traffic, better to try alternative roads

Drunk driving: Breathalyser test by KSRTC - Bangalore Mirror

A couple of months ago, traffic police found a Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) bus haphazardly parked in the busy Majestic area. The bus was affecting the flow of traffic so cops tracked down the driver and asked him to move the bus. The driver readily agreed, but his effort behind the wheel was so unsteady, that cops feared for the lives of pedestrians and other motorists. The driver was drunk.

Bangalore University Info, Facts, Gmaps | Google Satellite Maps

Facts about Bangalore University

* Campus

* Mark Johnson Addresses the Spectators
Making some sort of hand gesture...
* Images courtesy and its vibrant members

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