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Finding Mac Address and IP Address ( Windows )

By jona - Posted on 02 November 2012

Finding IP Address, mac adress of a windows machine using IPconfig/all command in command prompt, read more

  1. Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar.
  2. Click "Run...", if Run is not found in the start menu, you need to right click the windows start button, start menu tab-> click customise button -> select  Advanced tab -> In the start menu list box in that select run checkbox.
  3. Type 'cmd' in the run text box that appears.
  4. A command prompt window launches on the desktop.
  5. In
    this command window, type "ipconfig /all". Details are shown for each
    network adapters connected to the computer. Computers installed with VPN
    software or hardware emulation wares  will show seperate details
  6. The 'IP Address' field for each network adapter shows the current IP address for that network adapter. Please note that this ip is that of internal lan ip if you are inside a local area network, to get public ip adress of your machine go to our public ip address find page
  7. The 'Physical Address' field states the MAC address for that particular network adapter.

please refer the following image to get more idea

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