You are hereGetzy Swiss Army Knife Tools

Getzy Swiss Army Knife Tools

By admin - Posted on 02 April 2015

getzy android mobile app is like swiss army knife has many tools and calculators
Get It done Eazily !. Getzy has a powerful database of many informative data about India, Currently we are powering many useful mobile applications.

Swiss Tools App is a rich set of useful tools which like Swiss Army Knife will help in many way. It has many useful calculators like BMI (Body Mass Index), BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), Interest (Simple/Compound Interest), Emi (Equated Monthly Installment) calculators and a versatile units conversion (Lenght, Volume, Area) tool.
Getzy Swiss Tools also includes various India specific information search tools for finding/tracing Indian postal pincodes, Indian Std telephone codes, Indian Vehicle Number plates, Indian mobilephone data. Keep using this app, expect more useful utilities in coming updates


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Screen Shots

Screenshot of Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) Calculator

getzy mobile App EMI (Equated Monthly Installment) calculator screen shot

Screenshot of Simple/Compound Interest Calculator
getzy mobile App simple or compound bank interest calculator screen shot

Screenshot of Metric/Non-Metric Unit Converter Tool
getzy mobile App unit converter tool for conversion between various metric non-metric units

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