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Lal Bagh,Bangalore Area Measurement with Getzy Area Calculator

By admin - Posted on 14 February 2014

Our Free Online Area Calculator Tool is an excellent tool for quickly measuring area of any plot/land and is also good for making fast area estimates of abundant land. In this post we are using it to measure area of Lalbagh garden in Bangalore.

Using the marker tools in the map, the boundaries of garden are marked as shown in the first image below. Once the boundaries are marked the tool immediately calculates the area and converts to square feet, square meter, cents, hectres etc. as visible in the second image.

Wikipedia quotes the area of Lalbagh as 240 Acre, you can see that the area measured with our free tool in 2 minutes is 239.87 Acreage ie. more or less equal to the actual area of lalbagh. (Please refer the 3rd image below)
Lal bagh,Bangalore marked for Area measurement

Lal bagh marked for Area measurement

Measured Area of lal bagh bangalore

Measured Area of lal bagh bangalore

Lal bagh bangalore gmaps area calculator measured area vs actual area

Lal bagh bangalore gmaps area calculator measured area vs actual area

circle tool of Area calculator

circle tool of Area calculator

Area measurement using Gmaps area calculator explained graphically

Area measurement using Gmaps area calculator explained graphically

lalbagh building marked with rectangle marker tool

lalbagh building marked with rectangle marker tool

lalbagh lake marked with polygon marker tool

lalbagh lake marked with polygon marker tool

Images of Lalbagh, Bangalore

* 100_3548 Flower Show 2007,Bangalore

* 100_3425 Flower Show 2007,Bangalore

* 100_3475 Flower Show 2007,Bangalore

* 101_0436

* Flowers

* Plane in the SKy
</p />
<p>I took these shots at Lalbagh Botanical gardens, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

* IMG_3735

* Trees-Winter
These trees seem to be looking forward to end of winter. And "no" horizon is not tilted... these trees are on top of a hill. :-)

* watermelons and pineapple

* DSC_4236.jpg

* flowers
taken at lalbagh flower show

* Bird

* Beauty
Clicked this flower in Lalbagh Flower show, but not sure what's her name.

* DSC_4345.jpg

* IMG_7650
Entry @Lalbagh, Bengaluru

* Thorny Layers

* Mukthi
@ Lalbagh

* Images courtesy and its vibrant members

Images of lalbagh

Youtube videos of lalbagh

Very neat forum. Want more. Wragge

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